Bringcollaborationto your app

Unlock the full potential of real-time collaboration with open-source SDKs and API package.

Extend Your App with Yorkie

Make your product
collaborative in a flash!

Easily add collaboration to your apps with our API-based services.
Sign up now and start building powerful, high-performance collaborative features in no time.

Variety of
collaboration features
for your app

Easily add stable and diverse collaborative features
to your product with Yorkie.
Transform your local-based product into a
collaborative online experience with our powerful tools.
Sign up now and start providing your users
with a completely new real-time experience.

1import yorkie from 'yorkie-js-sdk';
3async function main() {
4 const client = new yorkie.Client('', {
5 apiKey: 'MY_API_KEY',
6 });
7 await client.activate();
9 const doc = new yorkie.Document('profile-stack');
10 doc.subscribe('presence', (event) => {
11 if (event.type !== 'presence-changed') { // initialized, watched, unwatched event
12 // get all users connected to the Document.
13 // [ {clientID: string, presence: {name: string, color: string}}, ... ]
14 const users = doc.getPresences();
16 // show user list
17 updateUserList(users);
18 }
19 });
20 await client.attach(doc, {
21 // set the initial presence.
22 initialPresence: {
23 name: getRandomName(),
24 color: getRandomColor(),
25 },
26 });


  • Document and Presence

    Document is stored using conflict-free replicated data types(CRDTs), which ensures that multiple users can edit the same data concurrently without encountering conflicts. Presence represents a peer's awareness of the data being edited. It is used to track which users are currently editing the document.

    Learn more about Document and Presence
  • Data Warehouse with Dashboard

    Dashboard allows users to easily browse stored documents and monitor the data warehouse in real-time. With Dashboard, users can quickly and easily supervise the data warehouse and ensure that it is functioning properly.

    Learn more about Dashboard
  • Cloud or Self-Hosted Server

    Yorkie offers flexible deployment options, allowing user to use a cloud or host the server on your own premises. Whether you want the convenience of cloud or the control of a self-hosted server, Yorkie has you covered.

    Learn more about Self-Hosted Server


  • Yes, Yorkie is free to use.

    You can access it at no cost. Please note that the availability of the service and any associated features may be subject to change without notice. It is always a good idea to check the latest information on the service's website to ensure that it is still available and meets your needs.

  • No, Yorkie is not yet production ready.

    While the CRDT algorithm has been verified, not all of the code has been fully battle-tested. The developers of the service currently estimate that the right time to use it in a production environment will be around summer of '24. Until then, it is recommended to carefully evaluate the service's capabilities and reliability before using it in a production setting. It is also important to note that the availability and features of the service may change without notice, so it is always best to check the latest information on the service's website before using it.

  • Yorkie is an open source project, so there are many ways to contribute to its development.

    One way to contribute is by reporting any bugs you encounter while using the service. You can also submit pull requests with improvements or new features that you have developed. If you plan to use Yorkie in your company, you can also consider donating to the Yorkie community to support its continued development. You can learn more about how to contribute to the Yorkie project on its website or by visiting our Discord.