
data class Options(val key: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val apiKey: String? = null, val token: String? = null, val syncLoopDuration: Duration = 50.milliseconds, val reconnectStreamDelay: Duration = 1_000.milliseconds)

User-settable options used when defining Client.


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constructor(key: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), apiKey: String? = null, token: String? = null, syncLoopDuration: Duration = 50.milliseconds, reconnectStreamDelay: Duration = 1_000.milliseconds)


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val apiKey: String? = null

API key of the project used to identify the project.

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val key: String

Client key used to identify the client. If not set, a random key is generated.

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Delay of the reconnect stream. If the stream is disconnected, the client waits for the delay to reconnect the stream. The default value is 1000(ms).

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Duration of the sync loop. After each sync loop, the client waits for the duration to next sync. The default value is 50(ms).

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val token: String? = null

Authentication token of this Client used to identify the user of the client.