Operation Info
OperationInfo represents the information of an operation. It is used to inform to the user what kind of operation was executed.
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data class AddOpInfo(val index: Int, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.ArrayOperationInfo
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interface ArrayOperationInfo
ArrayOperationInfo represents the OperationInfo for the JsonArray.
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interface CounterOperationInfo
CounterOperationInfo represents the OperationInfo for the JsonCounter.
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data class EditOpInfo(val from: Int, val to: Int, val value: TextWithAttributes, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.TextOperationInfo
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data class IncreaseOpInfo(val value: Number, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.CounterOperationInfo
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data class MoveOpInfo(val previousIndex: Int, val index: Int, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.ArrayOperationInfo
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interface ObjectOperationInfo
ObjectOperationInfo represents the OperationInfo for the JsonObject.
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data class RemoveOpInfo(val key: String?, val index: Int?, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.ArrayOperationInfo, OperationInfo.ObjectOperationInfo
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data class SetOpInfo(val key: String, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.ObjectOperationInfo
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data class StyleOpInfo(val from: Int, val to: Int, val attributes: Map<String, String>, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.TextOperationInfo
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interface TextOperationInfo
TextOperationInfo represents the OperationInfo for the JsonText.
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data class TreeEditOpInfo(val from: Int, val to: Int, val fromPath: List<Int>, val toPath: List<Int>, val nodes: List<JsonTree.TreeNode>?, val splitLevel: Int, var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.TreeOperationInfo
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interface TreeOperationInfo
TreeOperationInfo represents the OperationInfo for the JsonTree.
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data class TreeStyleOpInfo(val from: Int, val to: Int, val fromPath: List<Int>, val toPath: List<Int>, val attributes: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val attributesToRemove: List<String> = emptyList(), var path: String = INITIAL_PATH) : OperationInfo, OperationInfo.TreeOperationInfo