Getting Started with React

@yorkie-js/react is a library that provides React hooks and components for integrating Yorkie into your React applications. It simplifies the process of sharing and syncing state across multiple clients in real-time.

@yorkie-js/react provides two ways to integrate Yorkie into your React applications:

  1. Providers + Hooks: Provider-based approach for managing Yorkie instances and shared documents.
  2. useYorkieDoc: Hook for directly managing Yorkie documents without a provider.

Both Providers + Hooks and useYorkieDoc provide flexible ways to integrate Yorkie into your React applications. Choose Providers when you need a global document context and useYorkieDoc for isolated, self-managed instances.


Before using YorkieProvider and DocumentProvider, ensure you have installed the Yorkie SDK:

npm install @yorkie-js/react

For now, @yorkie-js/react requires React 18 or later as a peer dependency. Make sure to install React if you haven't already.

$ npm install react react-dom


Setting up YorkieProvider and DocumentProvider

First, wrap your component tree with YorkieProvider and DocumentProvider to initialize the Yorkie Client and shared document. You can also provide an initial root object to the DocumentProvider to set the initial state of the shared document.

import { YorkieProvider, DocumentProvider } from '@yorkie-js/react';
function App() {
return (
<YorkieProvider apiKey="PROJECT_API_KEY">
<DocumentProvider docKey="my-todo" initialRoot={{ todos: [] }}>
<TodoList />

Accessing Document Data

Use useDocument, useRoot, or usePresences hooks inside components to interact with the shared document.


The useDocument hook provides access to the document's root object, presence data, update function, and loading/error states.

import { useDocument } from '@yorkie-js/react';
function TodoList() {
const { root, update, loading, error } = useDocument<{ todos: string[] }>();
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error: {error.message}</p>;
return (
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>{todo}</li>
<button onClick={() => update((root) => root.todos.push('New Task'))}>
Add Task

You can also use the update function to modify the presence data:

import { useDocument } from '@yorkie-js/react';
function TodoList() {
// ...
return (
// ...
<button onClick={() => update((root, presence) => presence.set({color: 'red'}))}>
Update Presence
// ...

If you only need the root object, use useRoot:

import { useRoot } from '@yorkie-js/react';
function RootViewer() {
const { root } = useRoot<{ todos: string[] }>();
return <pre>{JSON.stringify(root, null, 2)}</pre>;

To get the presence data of connected users:

import { usePresences } from '@yorkie-js/react';
function PresenceList() {
const users = usePresences();
return (
{ => (
<li key={user.clientID}>{JSON.stringify(user.presence)}</li>

Alternative Hook: useYorkieDoc

If you prefer not to use DocumentProvider, you can use useYorkieDoc, which directly initializes and manages the document without requiring a provider.

import { useYorkieDoc } from '@yorkie-js/react';
function StandaloneTodoList() {
const { root, update, loading, error } = useYorkieDoc(
{ todos: [] }
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error: {error.message}</p>;
return (
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>{todo}</li>
<button onClick={() => update((root) => root.todos.push('New Task'))}>Add Task</button>

For More Information