Cluster Addons Installation

Yorkie provides a set of cluster addons to help you monitor and manage Yorkie cluster.

This guide will walk you through the process of installing Yorkie cluster addons on your Kubernetes cluster.

Currently, Yorkie addons include:

  • Prometheus for collecting metrics from Yorkie cluster.
  • Grafana for monitoring Yorkie cluster via Grafana dashboard.
  • Loki for logging aggregation.
  • ArgoCD for managing Yorkie cluster via GitOps.


This guide assumes that you have installed Yorkie cluster on your Kubernetes cluster with Helm chart. If you haven't installed Yorkie cluster, follow guides for deploying Yorkie cluster on Kubernetes with Helm Charts on various platforms.

Install Yorkie Monitoring with Helm chart

You can install Yorkie monitoring addon to collect and monitor Yorkie metrics and logs. Yorkie monitoring addons include Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki to collect metrics and logs from Yorkie cluster.

Install Yorkie monitoring addon with the following command:

$ helm install yorkie-monitoring yorkie-team/yorkie-monitoring -n monitoring --create-namespace

If you are using AWS EKS, use the following command instead:

$ helm install yorkie-monitoring yorkie-team/yorkie-monitoring -n monitoring --create-namespace \
--set ingress.ingressClassName=alb \
--set ingress.hosts.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hosts.apiHost={YOUR_API_DOMAIN_NAME} \
--set ingress.hosts.alb.enabled=true \
--set ingress.alb.certArn={YOUR_CERTIFICATE_ARN}

Replace {YOUR_API_DOMAIN_NAME} with your domain name. Also, replace {YOUR_CERTIFICATE_ARN} with your certificate ARN.

This will install yorkie-monitoring release.

You can also set other Helm chart configuration options. For more information about Helm chart configuration, see Yorkie Monitoring Helm Chart Configuration.

After Yorkie monitoring is installed, you will see the following output:

NAME: yorkie-monitoring
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue May 2 15:13:00 2023
NAMESPACE: monitoring
STATUS: deployed
--- Install Complete ---
yorkie-monitoring successfully installed!
For next steps, follow:
$ curl
To learn more about the release, try:
$ helm status yorkie-monitoring -n monitoring
$ helm get all yorkie-monitoring -n monitoring

Now you have Yorkie monitoring installed. It will take a few minutes for pods to be ready, so wait until all pods are ready. You can check the status of pods with the following command:

$ kubectl get pods -n monitoring --watch

After all pods are ready, you will see the following output:

prometheus-yorkie-monitoring-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 0 14m
yorkie-monitoring-grafana-59d4565948-pfstz 3/3 Running 0 14m
yorkie-monitoring-loki-0 1/1 Running 0 14m
yorkie-monitoring-operator-78f75648c-rvjk9 1/1 Running 0 14m
yorkie-monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-gr4bn 1/1 Running 0 14m
yorkie-monitoring-promtail-bwc9g 1/1 Running 0 14m

View Yorkie Metrics and Loki Logs on Grafana dashboard

Now you have Yorkie monitoring installed, you can access Grafana dashboard to view Yorkie metrics and Loki logs.

Access Grafana dashboard with following url:

  • Minikube: http://YOUR_MINIKUBE_IP/grafana/
  • AWS EKS: http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN_NAME/grafana/
The default username and password are admin and yorkie.

Once you are logged in, you will see the following dashboard:

Grafana Dashboards

Grafana contains two default dashboards: Loki Dashboard and Yorkie Dashboard

Grafana Datasources

You can see there are two datasources attached: Prometheus and Loki

Yorkie Dashboard

In Yorkie dashboard, you can view various metrics that Yorkie servers provide

Loki Dashboard

In Loki dashboard, you can view logs from Yorkie servers, as well as querying specific logs

You need to set namespace and workload to yorkie to see Yorkie logs in Loki dashboard.

You can add more dashboards like Go Processes in Grafana dashboard.

Install Yorkie ArgoCD with Helm chart

You can install Yorkie ArgoCD addon to perform continuous delivery of Yorkie cluster with GitOps. Yorkie ArgoCD addon includes ArgoCD to perform continuous delivery of Yorkie cluster.

Install Yorkie ArgoCD addon with the following command:

$ helm install yorkie-argocd yorkie-team/yorkie-argocd -n argocd --create-namespace

If you are using AWS EKS, use the following command instead:

$ helm install yorkie-argocd yorkie-team/yorkie-argocd -n argocd --create-namespace \
--set ingress.hosts..ingressClassName=alb \
--set ingress.hosts.enabled=true \
--set ingres.hosts.apiHost={YOUR_API_DOMAIN_NAME} \
--set ingress.alb.enabled=true \
--set ingress.alb.certArn={YOUR_CERTIFICATE_ARN}

Replace {YOUR_API_DOMAIN_NAME} with your domain name. Also, replace {YOUR_CERTIFICATE_ARN} with your certificate ARN.

This will install yorkie-argocd release.

You can also set other Helm chart configuration options. For more information about Helm chart configuration, see Yorkie ArgoCD Helm Chart Configuration.

After Yorkie ArgoCD is installed, you will see the following output:

NAME: yorkie-argocd
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue May 2 16:06:03 2023
STATUS: deployed
--- Install Complete ---
yorkie-argocd successfully installed!
For next steps, follow:
$ curl
To learn more about the release, try:
$ helm status yorkie-argocd -n argocd
$ helm get all yorkie-argocd -n argocd

Then, you need to set up the admin password for ArgoCD.

# Set the initial password for the admin user
$ kubectl -n argocd patch secret argocd-secret \
-p '{"stringData": {
"admin.password": "$2a$12$fJoZj9CnNyD5Yfi02nZh7.XcH4Ds9M.oftQOQDP5oytyra9cP6Dny",
"admin.passwordMtime": "'$(date +%FT%T%Z)'"
# Restart the ArgoCD server to apply the new password
$ kubectl -n argocd get pod --no-headers=true | awk '/argocd-server/{print $1}'| xargs kubectl delete -n argocd pod

Now you have Yorkie ArgoCD installed.

It will take a few minutes for pods to be ready, so wait until all pods are ready. You can check the status of pods with the following command:

$ kubectl get pods -n argocd --watch

After all pods are ready, you will see the following output:

argocd-application-controller-0 1/1 Running 0 2m53s
argocd-applicationset-controller-75cb58f45c-vxzv8 1/1 Running 0 2m53s
argocd-dex-server-67df64dd59-9shpk 1/1 Running 0 2m53s
argocd-notifications-controller-65fbf675f4-rjpvw 1/1 Running 0 2m53s
argocd-redis-75b645466f-r2jgn 1/1 Running 0 2m53s
argocd-repo-server-57df48bf86-h4pwd 1/1 Running 0 2m53s
argocd-server-6bd555f4c6-7sh8l 1/1 Running 0 57s

View Yorkie GitOps on ArgoCD web UI

Now you have Yorkie ArgoCD installed, you can access ArgoCD web UI to view deployment status of Yorkie cluster.

Access ArgoCD web UI with following url:

  • Minikube: http://YOUR_MINIKUBE_IP/argocd/
  • AWS EKS: http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN_NAME/argocd/
The default username and password are admin and yorkie.

Once you are logged in, you will see the following dashboard:

ArgoCD Dashboards

ArgoCD contains two default applications: Yorkie Cluster and Yorkie Monitoring

ArgoCD Settings

You need to set your own devops repository to use ArgoCD

Yorkie Cluster Dashboard

In Yorkie Cluster dashboard, you can view Yorkie cluster deployment status, as well as deploying Yorkie cluster

Loki Dashboard

In Yorkie Monitoring dashboard, you can view Yorkie monitoring deployment status, as well as deploying Yorkie monitoring

You need to configure your own devops repository to use ArgoCD. For more information, see ArgoCD Helm documentation.

Clean up cluster addons

You have now installed Yorkie monitoring and ArgoCD, and viewed Yorkie metrics on Grafana dashboard and Yorkie GitOps on ArgoCD web UI.

To learn about how to configure Yorkie Monitoring and Yorkie ArgoCD in Helm Chart, see Yorkie Chart Repository.

First, uninstall Yorkie ArgoCD with the following command:

# Uninstall Yorkie ArgoCD helm chart release
$ helm uninstall yorkie-argocd -n argocd
# Delete ArgoCD CRDs
$ kubectl get crd -oname | grep --color=never '' | xargs kubectl delete
# (Optional) Delete ArgoCD namespace
$ kubectl delete namespace argocd

Then, uninstall Yorkie monitoring with the following command:

# Uninstall Yorkie monitoring helm chart release
$ helm uninstall yorkie-monitoring -n monitoring
# Delete monitoring CRDs
$ kubectl get crd -oname | grep --color=never '' | xargs kubectl delete
# Delete monitoring service accounts
$ kubectl delete serviceaccounts --all -n monitoring
# (Optional) Delete monitoring namespace
$ kubectl delete namespace monitoring

Next Steps

For more information about Yorkie cluster design, follow: Yorkie Cluster Design